
Why Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers, also known as Direct Dental Veneers and Composite Bonding, offer a wallet-friendly smile enhancement solution. This technique utilizes a tooth-coloured resin that bonds directly onto your teeth, enabling adjustments in shape and even colour. What’s great about them is their reversibility and the minimal, if any, tooth preparation required. A single appointment could leave you with a transformed smile, taking anywhere from 45 minutes to

Composite Veneers Brisbane

a few hours, depending on how many teeth you’re addressing. The process is straightforward and non-invasive, making it an attractive option for correcting misaligned teeth or improving overall dental appearance without altering the natural tooth structure.

How Much do Composite Veneers Cost?

Every case is different, but if budget is a concern, composite veneers are the go-to option over their porcelain coun

terparts due to the less expensive materials involved. To get a clearer picture of what to expect and see how they can brighten your smile, consider an initial cosmetic consultation for only $90. You will not find cheaper veneers in brisbane

If budget is a concern, composite veneers are the go-to over their porcelain counterparts due to the less expensive materials in

volved. While they’re cost-effective, remember that they usually last between 5 to 7 years, necessitating regular professional cleaning and good oral hygiene to maintain their aesthetic appeal. To get a clearer picture of what to expect, and to see how they can brighten your smile, consider a complimentary cosmetic consultation.

What to Expect?

If you live in Brisbane, kick off your smile revamp with a no-charge cosmetic dentistry consult, where your dental aspirations and the desired outcomes are discussed. The dentist will tailor a treatment plan specifically for you, aiming to boost not only your smile but also your confidence with results that look both beautiful and natural.

If you want the best of the best then have a look at our porcelain veneers.